11 Signs You Should Seek TMJ Treatment In Miami

If you think you may have TMJ, it’s absolutely normal to have many questions about this condition and where to find the best TMJ treatment in the Miami area.

First, it’s important you learn what TMJ is, what causes this condition and the signs of TMJ to determine if you need treatment. If you do need help, we’ll then discuss how to find a TMJ dentist specialist in the greater Miami area. 

Signs Of TMJ

There are many, common signs of TMJ, and while these symptoms don’t necessarily mean you’re suffering from TMJ, it’s still important to know and understand them. TMJ stands for temporomandibular joint, which is the link responsible for connecting the lower jaw to the skull. This joint is part of everyday functions, like chewing, talking, and yawning. The health of this joint affects the comfort of one’s jaw, neck, face, and ears.

Malfunctions of this joint are commonly referred to as the abbreviation for the temporomandibular joint itself, TMJ. Injuries to the temporomandibular joint are frequent causes of:

  • Jaw pain, soreness, or locking
  • Jaw pain when eating
  • Popping sensations and tenderness when moving jaw muscles
  • Discomfort in facial muscles
  • Pain around the eyes
  • Temple pain
  • Earaches
  • Stiff neck
  • Shoulder pain
  • Dizziness
  • Numbness in hands or fingers

Causes Of TMJ

While scientists are still working on identifying specific causes, contributing factors to TMJ may include:

  •  Injury to the temporomandibular joint or jaw
  •  Nutritional habits
  • Grinding or clenching of teeth
  • Female hormones- since condition is more common in women than men
  • Arthritis

When To Seek A TMJ Dentist Specialist

A professional examination can help answer the question, “Do I have TMJ?”, where a specialist can then create an individualized treatment plan to prevent the pain from growing into a chronic problem.

Daily recurring pain should be a strong reason to seek out a TMJ dentist specialist promptly. If these symptoms are neglected, they can result in the need for more involved and prolonged treatments, instead of other less invasive options.

TMJ Treatment

A TMJ dentist specialist and holistic dentistry expert will be able to discuss non-invasive treatment options, such as:

  • Mineral level evaluation: Some people suffer from TMJ because of depleted nutritional levels or dehydration. Many cases of TMJ can be resolved with nutritional adjustments. 
  • Dental restorations: Precisely raising or lowering areas of your bite, creating a natural comfortable position for the jaw can help.
A TMJ Dentist Specialist Near Coral Gables & Miami

As a TMJ dentist specialist and holistic dentistry expert for the greater Miami and Coral Gables communities, Dr. Hank Barreto finds it vital to approach oral health as an integral part of the body’s overall wellness. He treats each patient as an individual because he knows that each person is unique, with different healthcare needs, including oral care.

Experience where health and dentistry are one, book an appointment  today for a consultation with Dr. Hank Barreto.